This Holiday Have a Relaxation Plan

relax-by-the-fire-afterAs business owners, I know you are sincerely passionate about your business, But at this time of the year, even while your business may be enjoyable, it doesn’t mean that your body and your brain don’t need a break from the constant stimulation.

As a mentor to many business owners, burnout, exhaustion and overwork is something I see often. Sometimes, we may feel guilty taking a break knowing that there is always work to be done and room for improvement. Don’t let yourself forget that innovation, new ideas and renewed energy are products of mental and physical rest. If the only reason you take a break this season is for your business to reap the benefits of a well-rested leader, then make sure that you do it!

This holiday season, be as diligent with your relaxation plan as you are with your business plan. Turn off your devices and let your mind breathe through exercise, a good night’s sleep, getting caught up on some leisure reading and engaging with the people around you. You, and your bottom line, will thank yourself later.

Reframing “Business Vision”

business visionThere is a common misconception that creating a “business vision” requires combining several overused buzzwords together in an attempt to define what your business is. “Success” “Equality” “Passion” and “Care” often crop up as abstract terms to try to describe the vision of a business, but what does this concept mean?

Perhaps it’s easier to describe what a business vision is not – it is not merely a mission statement or a lofty goal of $50-million in revenues, both of which lack substance and fail to capture what you want your business to be.

With over 30 years of experience advising SMB owners, I always tell them instead of focusing on creating a business vision statement, you need to ask yourself: At its very best, what do I want my business to look like?

  • What kind of client or customer do I want? Am I satisfied with the relationships I have with my clients?
  • What is the employee culture of my workplace? Are my employees engaged, hard-working and having fun?
  • Where do I want my business located? Am I proud to have clients visit my office?
  • Do my clients value my product or service? How can I increase value for my clients?
  • Do I feel like I’m contributing to my industry or client-base?
  • Am I fulfilled by the work my business does?

By answering these questions, you are closer to understanding what you want your business to be and perhaps where you should be focusing your attention in your business strategy. Ultimately to move your business forward will require uncovering what you want for your business. A business vision is not a static statement, but the dynamic dream you have for the future of your company.

Do you have a vision for your business?  Do you have a static statement?  If so, does it reflect your actual vision for your business?  Do you feel your business has lost the connection to your vision? I look forward to reading your feedback in the comments below.